Tuesday 31 May 2016

No more lino!

This is my latest drypoint etching print of two sparrows. We have been watching two sparrow parents flying back and forth from their nest. The nest is right outside our bedroom window and we can hear the baby sparrows getting excited when the parents appear with food.

I really enjoyed every part of making the sparrow print.

I can,t say the same is true for the lino printing that I've been making in the past week.

This one - frustrating at the printing stage. 

This one - frustrating at every stage.

I made this card to send to a friend of mine.   I  got into a terrible mess - ink on elbows and on face. The cutting makes me feel really tense and when it comes to the inking up and printing I'm feeling quite angry.
So no more lino for me I don't think I've got the right temperament.


Saturday 21 May 2016

Spring days and lino curse.

This week Yasmin is on the move.
Stair gates are up and eyes are in the back of head.

The weather was fine on Friday so we went on a little walk.
The Conker trees are in blossom.

These lovely yellow roses are scrambling up the wall of my mum's garage.

  I had to get onto my knees to catch the scent of the lily of the valley.

I took this photo today in the rain.
The pattern on this Hosta leaf is beautiful, the slugs and snails seem to agree.

I've been trying some softcut lino today - much easier to cut than the traditional lino.
All I can say is THINGS GO WRONG when I print with lino.
So I'm hoping to lift the lino curse and make some lovely prints.


Saturday 14 May 2016

Blue sky, blue skirt.

This is a print I have been working on this week.

I have loved using the coloured ink.

This great little skirt is part of my new uniform for work. I really like it.
I need to get a t-shirt to go with it.


Sunday 8 May 2016

Yasmin's day.

Today we went to Slindon for the blessing of our grand-daughter Yasmin.
We sang hymns and said prayers and as we watched the priest walk past us on the way out of the church we realised the blessing wasn't happening.
My mother-in-law had to run after him and get him back, the poor man didn't know anything about it as a message hadn't been passed on. This was very funny as the priest had been telling everyone that it was Catholic communication week!

After the blessing Darren and I cycled to Elmer beach.

Beautiful sparkly sea.

Very cold.


Friday 6 May 2016

How did that happen?

Today is our 21st wedding anniversary.
I'm always slightly shocked that we have been married for that long, that we have two grown up children and that we are now grand parents.
How did that happen?
I still don't feel like one of the grown ups.

Anyway wedding anniversary or not I still had to go to work. Walking into work I stopped at one of the market stalls on North street in Chichester. I bought some very healthy looking strawberry plants. 

The strawberries are Temptation, Toscana, Gasana and Grandian.
I'm hoping for a tasty crop.

This little cat is on South street in Chichester.



Tuesday 3 May 2016

Cycle path.

I met my good friend Sue today. We arranged to meet on the cycle path that goes between Barnham and Felpham. 

In the photo above you can see the white cap of Barnham windmill.

Lots of beautiful teasels.

Lots of spring flowers.
Lots of chatter and laughter.

Had time to finish some cards when I got back home.


Monday 2 May 2016

walk to work

I saw a great bit of yarn bombing on the walk into work this morning.

