Friday 22 July 2016

Busy week.

This week
I've been busy babysitting my grand daughter, working in Chichester and getting creative with glass.
The photo above  is of my latest glass project all finished and ready to hang in a window.
The glass kiln is working really well and is so easy to use.
I've been working on another two this week, one is at the soldering stage and the other I'm in the middle of drawing. 

I saw this weird creature on my walk to work I  think it's in the courtyard of Pallant House.
Quite scary- I don't think I would like to come across them in the dark.


Sunday 3 July 2016

Sunday outing.

We had a fantastic day today. Darren and I visited Watts gallery artists village in Surrey.
It was the home of  artists G F Watts and Mary Watts.

We visited their house and studios.
I found that I was fascinated by Mary and her work.
Mary worked in the arts and crafts style and she designed and created the chapel in the photo below.

Mary created the chapel exterior and interior with the help of local women.

The interior brought tears to my eyes it was so beautiful.

What a gifted woman.

We mooched about all day, it wasn't busy so we didn't feel rushed when looking at the paintings. 
Definitely worth another visit.
